DENISE BUDD, Surrogacy and the Necessity of the Photograph: The Case of Charles Mather Ffoulke and the Barberini Tapestries, 14 Ottobre 2021


Denise Budd

Bergen Community College, New Jersey

Surrogacy and the Necessity of the Photograph: The Case of Charles Mather Ffoulke and the Barberini Tapestries

Denise Budd received her Ph. D. from Columbia University, with a dissertation focused on the documentary evidence relating to the early career of Leonardo da Vinci. She published several articles from this research before turning her attention towards the late 19th and early 20th century art market. Her current work seeks to reconstruct the career of the international tapestry dealer Charles Mather Ffoulke and the transaction of the Barberini tapestries. Her most recent essays have appeared in Florence, Berlin and Beyond: Social Network and the Late Nineteenth-Century Art Market (2020) and Collecting Early Modern ARt in the U.S. South (2021).
